Islamic Studies 34:4 (1995)
When al-Shafi'i (d. 204/820)
fitst came to Egypt, the Egyptians considered him a member of the Maliki school
of law. Al-Safadi writes that al-Shafi'i changed his former opinion because,
after he had stayed in Egypt, he saw that Malik's opinion had already become a
doctrine which was believed as dogmatically as Christ's doctrine was believed.
Therefore, al-Shafi'i contradicted Malik to show people that Malik was merely a
thinker who could be wrong or right. Al-Safadi tells us that his judgement
above is based on al-Shafi’I’s own statement: "1 have never seen [anyone]
like the Egyptians who turn 'foolishness' into 'knowledge'; they say in every
case, 'this is what Malik said'." Al-Shafi'i had die capacity for purely
scholarly and religious considerations to change his opinion; he did not
contradict Malik merely for the sake of contradiction. In fact al-Shafi'i was of
such humble disposition and so self-denying that he did not even want his works
to be attributed to him. AI-Shafi'i's second phrase, which condemned the Egyptians
because of their rigid adherence to Malik's opinions, is in harmony with his
own way of thinking. Thus, the reason why al-Shafi'i changed his former opinion
in all cases is not just to contradict Malik, but rather because of differences
of place, time, custom, and so on. We are told that when al-Shafi'i discussed
the Successors (Tabi'un), he said: "They were people and we are [also]
people {hum rijal wa nahnu rijal). This means that he would not blindly accept
what the Successors had already decided; he preferred to have independent
views. This attitude will certainly recognize differences of opinion (ikhtilaf)
among jurists as legitimate.
What al-Shafi'i practised
concerning the different opinions between himself and others, is discussed in
his legal thought in his Risalah and Umm. These typically different opinions
are later employed by his followers. Ikhtilaf occurred not only among his
followers, but also between his followers and himself. Ikhlilaf among scholars
has, in fact, characterized Islamic legal thought.
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